Thursday, May 04, 2006

Teddy Kennedy's son continues to live in his father's shadow...

Patrick Kennedy nearly hit a police car, then crashed into a barrier at 2 am. He then proceeded to tell the police that he was "late for a vote." The House was not in session. A supervisor arrived, prevented the police from giving a sobriety test to the schwerving youngster, and drove him home without punishment.

ah, we should all get permanent get out fo jail free cards.

When reached for comment, Teddy Kennedy said "It's embarrasing. I mean, when I crash, I kill. This kid has been half-assing it for years." Ignorant Kennedy worshippers worldwide were heard to exclaim: "The curse is alive! Ah the tragedy of rich kids who never had to work for anything, then nearly killing cops while drunk driving. Those poor Kennedys. Such horrible things happen to them." The officer who was nearly run over by Mr. Kennedy agreed, while rolling his eyes "Yes, that poor drunk bastard missed me by an inch."


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