Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Alito deserves his spot.

I'll keep this as painlessly short as I can. Much doggy doo has been flung about Alito, a right of center judge, nominated by a socially conservative, and fiscally liberal President. So the debate begins on the Senate floor.

Alito got out of conference 10-8, with every one of the Democrats voting against. Our own genius Senator Feinstein said that the only reason she's voting against is because in her heart of hearts, she knows Alito will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade... This begs for a couple of comments, the first most accurately posed by Lindsey Graham:

1. Justice Ginsberg, a Clinton appointee, replaced Justice White, a man who voted AGAINST Roe. Ginsberg said explicitly during her hearings that she would uphold Roe. Only two Republicans voted against her. Graham voted for her.

2. If Roe is overturned, abortion is NOT illegal. The decision is simply shifted to state legislatures.

3. If the Dems uniformly vote against a nominee even they admit is well-qualified (except Feingold, who is SPRINTING to Hillary's left), what do they expect the Reps to do to the next Dem nominee? Are we to the point where "advise and consent" means that the Senate will hold every nominee hostage if the nominating president isn't of the Senate's controlling party?

The Dems should bite the bullet, vote for Alito since they're going to lose anyway, defuse that issue, and focus their fire on Abramoff. Learn something from the Canadian Conservatives.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn right about Ginsberg. Smart, and confirmed by Reps. I can't listen to any more "extreme right-wing" garbage anymore. The Dems continue to show that their two failings are a lack of new ideas, and really pathetic politiking.

6:35 PM  

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