Monday, February 06, 2006

Boehner (no, bane-er) wins!

So John Boehner wins, mostly just to spite my prediction of a Shaddegg second to a Blunt first. Fine.

Prediction: likely to be biz as youzh (figure it out). One interesting piece of inspiration for RR fans... In 15 years as a House member, Boehner has NEVER inserted an earmark. As we've said before: reform K street all you want. They're not the problem. So long as the Constitution assures the right for the redress of grievances (as it should), the only reform that will matter is a reform of earmarking.

The reform ought to be simple: tag the member's name onto every single earmark. Allow two weeks for debate and approval, allow line item veto for every earmark. simple. Won't happen.

Neither party is pushing very hard for true reform. Both prefer window dressing. Every time the Dems claim to be the party of lily-white, cherry-tree, honesty, remember that their "reform" plan is nearly exactly the same as the Reps they accuse of corruption.

The correct reform is simple to design. Getting the crack-heads off the earmark wagon is more of a challenge.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll pronounce it however I like, thank you.

Shadegg had no position and almost no backing. If reform is to happen, it'll happen under someone with a constituency, like Boner.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe there are corrupt Democrats, but man, they are not as good at being a corrupt, rubber-stamping, oxygen-wasting, seat-filler as the new Republicans are.

6:38 PM  

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