Thursday, July 06, 2006

Why the Democrats will lose in 2008, and why they may even lose in 2006.

The Democrats love a loser. Rather than gathering their strength in the center, the only place they can win, they toss their few remaining centrists to the wind. Ditching Joe Lieberman? Rediculous. He is one of the few Democrats that Americans outside of New York and San Francisco like.

The Guardian rightly points out that this election and perhaps the 2008 election are the Democrat's to lose. And lose it they may. Why do I bemoan the ailments of the Democrats? Well, I believe in having strong parties that fight out ideas, not just political strategems. If the Democrats are mindless bunglers, as they have proven, the Republicans can keep on ignoring conservative ideals and good policy without accountability.

Democrats, please, nominate Hillary, Joe Biden, or someone in the center with equally well-considered ideas, and bask in the White House. Nominate Russ Feingold, give heed to Cindy Sheehan, and continue to cry from the corner.
