Thursday, December 08, 2005

Turns out Muslim Autocrats Don't Like Being Bombed

So the OIC has issued an edict saying that OIC member states should stop the financing of terrorism, and change their children's textbooks to stop teaching extremism. I'm sure it's a pure coincidence that they issue this edict after two years of terrorism against their own regimes.

These are the same autocrats who blamed America for terrorism for the past 20 years. So do they mean it? Maybe. The only way anything in the Arab world changes is when one of the regimes is directly threatened. Today, only Syria is near collapse, and Bashar Assad didn't show up for the OIC conference.

If this can be perceived as an admission that homemade terror threatens the regimes, then things will change, if the regimes feel insulated, they will spew rhetoric and change nothing (see: Europe). I hope it's the former, and I suspect that it is.

I have said that I don't believe the Jordanian bombings will affect the fight against extremism in the Arab world, but I could be wrong. It may be that the Jordanian bombings may be the straw that breaks the camels back. I continue to think that is not yet true, but we could be close.

Keep your eyes on whether the OIC signatories actually start changing anything. That will speak volumes.
