Amnesty International has officially become just another anti-American organization.
AI says that Gitmo is a "gulag" a la Stalinist Soviet Union. Hmm. So a well-fed and maintained populace of 500 prisoners is akin to the forced labor and execution of perhaps 6 million people? Okay.
Now, AI says the U.S. should open Gitmo to the inspection of the ever infallible "International Organizations." So, if AI is willing to admit that they have never inspected Gitmo, how can they be so assured as to call is a gulag? Does logic count for nothing anymore?
The truth is this: Gitmo is a bad idea only in that the prisoners are not allowed a hearing and a military lawyer (no more communication via corrupt lawyers, thank you [and BTW, look up Lynne Stewart on Google. There are only about 5 links, one is a crazy rightist screed, one is IBD, a stupid rightist screed, and all the others are leftist apologist garbage... this lawyer aided a terrorist to communicate from prison! How about some coverage of that?!]). There are no good alternatives to keeping Gitmo active, but offering more hearings.
AI, a formerly great organization, has become just another screeching voice in the chorus of the ignorant, mindless, hypocritical left.
It's a shame, really.