Sunday, September 18, 2005

Schwarzenegger finally shoots back at the public unions.

Gov. Schwarzenegger added Prop. 75 to his November slate of proposals. Good for him. The public unions are the single most significant reason for government waste and inefficiency. They are the embodiment of what it is that even Democrats hate: greed, corruption, self-interest. The unions have no competition, and are give a legislative license to racketeer.

This is their bit: the teacher's union REQUIRES that if you are a public school teacher, you MUST pay dues to them. You don't have to be a member, but you must give them money. That is racketeering. The funny part about it is that their justification is that the unaffiliated teachers are benefitting from their collective bargaining. Um, who was the last teacher you met who felt blessed by the union's brilliant negotiating prowess that got them such fantastic benefits and wages? Don't talk to me about the three months off... that was not the result of the genius teacher's union.

Sounds like protection money to me.

Prop 75 is another excellent proposal. Voting for each and every one of the November proposals will do our mediocre state a great deal of good.


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